Historias increibles...
https://www.avforums.com/threads/lg-...#post-23119245My May build 55EG960V is in for repair with LG at the moment, so after seeing the comments regarding HDMI 2.0a HDR compatibility on this forum I asked LG if they could upgrade the HDMI board at the same time.
Whilst you have my TV and if it can be repaired, can I request that the HDMI board be upgraded to one which is HDMI 2.0a compliant.
The reply I got Below surprised me:
With regards to your TV and HDR compatibility and upgrades, I have queried this with my senior technical advisor and I am pleased to say that he has confirmed that your television is already 2.0a and HDR compatible, therefore you will not need an upgrade for the benefits HDR brings.
Be interested what will happen in March when I get a UHD Blu-Ray player.
Bueno..... yo ya me estoy empezando a mosquear de verdad! Es que LG trae a España las unidades cutres! Porque si esa de mayo lo es y la mia de agosto no.... Si aquella de Noruega de agosto se le puede cambiar la placa y a la mia no... Pa meterles un petardo en el culo a los de LG España! Llamad a LG para ver si las vuestras se pueden actualizar. A ver si me equivoco o no. (Tlf de LG de Valencia:963 05 05 00. De lunes a viernes de 9.00h a 20.00h)