Yo tengo el articulo entero, porque ya sabes, para todo en esta vida hay que tener estilo, pero para que no digas que me lo quedo todo para mi solo ahí va el párrafo inicial del articulo:
Ice core records from Greenland have been instrumental
in investigating past abrupt climate
change. As compared with other sedimentary
records, the ice core records have unparalleled
temporal resolution and continuity (1–3). The
newest Greenland ice core, from the North Greenland
Ice Core Project (NGRIP), has been measured
at very high resolution for water isotope
ratios, dust, and impurity concentrations. This
allows researchers for the first time to follow the
ice core proxies of Greenland temperature, accumulation,
moisture origin, and aerosol deposition
at subannual resolution over the very abrupt climate
changes in the period from 15.5 to 11.0
thousand years ago (ka) (measured from 2000 AD
throughout this study).
Y para que no digas que soy malo, ahí va el párrafo final:
If we are to be confident in the ability of
those models to accurately predict the impacts of
future abrupt change, their ability to match what
we see in the past is crucial.
Si quieres leer lo que hay entre medias, te toca rascarse el bolsillo.