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¿Para cuándo Spider-Man 2 en DVD?

  1. #1
    01 dic, 02
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: ¿Para cuándo Spider-Man 2 en DVD?

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    Ojito con Spider-Man 2 porque se espera una edición extendida para el año que viene. Avisados estáis.

  2. #2
    Tentáculo Púrpura Avatar de Manostijeras
    05 jul, 04
    1 veces

    Predeterminado Re: ¿Para cuándo Spider-Man 2 en DVD?

    esperemos que sea mejor edición tanto de caja como de extras que la primera parte. Muy cutre, la verdad. Y encima la segunda edición, en teoría de coleccionista, era una tomadura de pelo.
    Espero que se lo curren más con la segunda parte

  3. #3
    No hay perdón Avatar de lecter
    28 nov, 01
    17 veces

    Predeterminado Si que habrá dos ediciones

    Según dark horizons y el propio Raimi, habrá edición 2.5 en dvd. Posteo la noticia:

    As mentioned before, Sony has plans to release a "Spider-Man 2.5" DVD, with additional action and effects scenes sometime next year, and director Sam Raimi told Sci-Fi Wire some details about why this is happening:

    "I'm kind of completing scenes that I didn't have the money to complete when we did the movie. I mean, the movie really was the best I could make it. It's not like I think I could make it better. But I said, 'OK, well, if you want to spend money and really give the kids a few more action scenes, OK, that's fine.' It's the kids' choice if they want to spend that money. And then I think it's fair".

    Most of the changes will only be minor additions - "There's like six seconds new of the train. There's going to be like eight seconds new of some water fight you never saw. There's like 12 seconds new on the Bugle building. For me, though, 12 seconds is six shots that all have to be figured out, and within that two seconds, the amount of animation of each of those tentacles and how Spidey's going to move. It's very complicated for me".

    Still, Raimi is quite upfront about the reasons behind the disc - "Sony said to me, 'We want to release a 2.5,' because they want to make more money. It's just a
    financial decision by the studio. They know that people who liked the second movie would want to own it as it is on DVD, and then it's just a gamble. 'Oh, if
    we spend another four million dollars, can we make another ten million dollars?' I think that's how it works".

    Thanks to 'Dimitri'.

    noticia completa
    — Es usted un miserable y cobarde hijo de perra. Ha matado a un hombre desarmado.
    — Pues debió haberse armado cuando decidió decorar su salón con mi amigo.

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