[Factory] SamyGO E/F/H libFactory v0.1.7 - (c) zoelechat 2015
[Factory] _ZN13DBFactoryBase16m_pDBFactoryBaseE [0x26b52c8].
[Factory] _ZN13DBFactoryBase18SetSpecialItemDataEji10CDSourc e_k [0x654ab0].
[Factory] dlsym '_ZN13DBFactoryBase18GetSpecialItemDataEjPi10CDSou rce_k' failed.
[Factory] _ZN13DBFactoryBase18GetSpecialItemDataEjPi10CDSour ce_k14CDResolution_k [0x651f30].
[Factory] _ZN16SsExeFactoryBase19t_ConvertValueToStrEP17Fact oryItemNode_tPci [0x104ac20].
[Factory] _ZN14FactoryControl19t_ConvertValueToStrEP17Factor yItemNode_tPci [0x1066670].
[Factory] _ZN10TPCFactory8InstanceEv [0x687620].
[Factory] dlsym '_ZN16SsExeFactoryBase16GetVersionStringEN10TPCFac tory12EVersionTypeEPc' failed.
[Factory] _ZN16SsExeFactoryBase16GetVersionStringEN10TPCFact ory12EVersionTypeEPcj [0x104b31c].
[Factory] _ZSt18_Rb_tree_incrementPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base [0x631038].
[Factory] _ZN14FactoryControl17t_CheckItemEnableEP17FactoryI temNode_t [0x105ffe8].
[Factory] dlsym '_ZN8TCTvImpl27m_RecoverSettingsWithBootUpEv' failed.
[Factory] _ZN13DBFactoryBase27t_GetFactoryItemDefaultDataEP1 7FactoryItemNode_tPi10CDSource_k [0x654b24].
[Factory] lib_init, >>>
[Factory] * T-FXPDEUC-1128.1
[Factory] * T-FOXDEUS2-1002
[Factory] * BT Version :
[Factory] * E-Manual : FPDVBEUF-1.103
[Factory] * App Package :
[Factory] * Camera Version : 1.33.00
[Factory] * Mic Version : 2.89.00
[Factory] * Blaster-Version : 3.03
[Factory] * EDID SUCCESS
[Factory] * CALIB : AV / COMP / PC / HDMI /
[Factory] * Option : 40A2UF8E,EU_POLAND,8000,NONE
[Factory] * CPLD/LD : 0006 / NONE
[Factory] * Factory Zone: N
[Factory] * DTP-SDAL-FOXP-DEU-0026-3424
[Factory] * RFS:"Fox.P 0168" K/ 2015-08-26
[Factory] * KERNEL : 152.1132, / Onboot : 0081
[Factory] * DTP-DTVTD-3608-FOX-DVB-026
[Factory] * Backend IC[6], FW: 003D, Data: 0039
[Factory] * TCON Version: F40A2F707
[Factory] * Model : UE40F8000
[Factory] * Wired MAC SUCCESS
[Factory] * Wireless MAC SUCCESS
[Factory] * CIP SUCCESS
[Factory] * DRM:Crt O,Nf O,Wv O,Hc O,Dc /,Mx O,Ml /
[Factory] * Factory Data Ver : 200
[Factory] * EERC Version : 149
[Factory] * DTP-BP-HAL-3608-014-FoxP_DVB-015
[Factory] >>> Special items data <<<
[Factory] 8 Advanced -1 (def:0)
[Factory] 15 Checksum 0=0x0000 (def:0)
[Factory] 16 Factory Reset 0 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 17 Type 2=40A2UF8E (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=NONE
[Factory] -> 1=40A2UF7E
[Factory] -> 2=40A2UF8E
[Factory] -> 3=46A2UF7E
[Factory] -> 4=46A2UF8E
[Factory] -> 5=55A2UF7E
[Factory] -> 6=55A2UF8E
[Factory] -> 7=60A2UF7E
[Factory] -> 8=60A2UF8E
[Factory] -> 9=75A2UF8L
[Factory] -> 10=85A2UU9S
[Factory] -> 11=60H2UF7E
[Factory] -> 12=65L2UF7E
[Factory] -> 13=65L2UF8E
[Factory] -> 14=51FPCrD
[Factory] -> 15=60FPCrD
[Factory] -> 16=64FPCrD
[Factory] -> 17=SEKPANEL
[Factory] -> 18=46A2UF8L
[Factory] -> 19=55A2UF8L
[Factory] -> 20=60A2UF8L
[Factory] -> 21=55A1UF0O
[Factory] -> 22=65L2UF8L
[Factory] -> 23=46A2UFBE
[Factory] -> 24=65A2UF8E
[Factory] -> 25=65A2UF8L
[Factory] -> 26=40A2UFBE
[Factory] -> 27=46R2UF7E
[Factory] -> 28=55R2UF7E
[Factory] -> 29=40A2UFEE
[Factory] -> 30=46A2UFEE
[Factory] -> 31=55A2UFEE
[Factory] -> 32=60A2UFEE
[Factory] -> 33=46A2UFFE
[Factory] -> 34=55A2UFFE
[Factory] -> 35=60A2UFFE
[Factory] -> 36=65A2UFFE
[Factory] -> 37=75A2UFCL
[Factory] -> 38=46A2UFFL
[Factory] -> 39=55A2UFFL
[Factory] -> 40=60A2UFFL
[Factory] -> 41=65A2UFFL
[Factory] 18 SW Model 3=UF8000 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=NONE
[Factory] -> 1=UF7000
[Factory] -> 2=UF7500
[Factory] -> 3=UF8000
[Factory] -> 4=UF8500
[Factory] -> 5=PF8500
[Factory] -> 6=US9
[Factory] -> 7=KS9C
[Factory] -> 8=SEK0000
[Factory] -> 9=UF7400
[Factory] -> 10=UF7450
[Factory] -> 11=UF8200
[Factory] 20 Watchdog 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 22 RS-232 Jack 1=UART (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=Debug
[Factory] -> 1=UART
[Factory] -> 2=Logic
[Factory] -> 3=FANET
[Factory] 24 Panel Display Time 45290=7548Hr (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1073741824
[Factory] 25 RF Mute Time 6=600ms (def:6)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 12
[Factory] 26 Shop Mode 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 27 7.5 IRE NTSC 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 28 7.5 IRE OFFSET 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 30 HOT PLUG OFF HOLD TIME 12=1200ms (def:12)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 20
[Factory] 31 HDMI FLT CNT SIG 0=0ms (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 10
[Factory] 32 HDMI FLT CNT LOS 8=800ms (def:8)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 40
[Factory] 34 UNSTABLE BAN CNT 25=1250ms (def:25)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 200
[Factory] 35 HDMI Err Cnt 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 200
[Factory] 37 WD Count 0=12 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 39 IIC Bus Stop 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 40 Wall Mount 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 41 PnP Language 18=ENG (def:0)
[Factory] -> 1=KOR
[Factory] -> 2=ENG_US
[Factory] -> 3=SPA_US
[Factory] -> 4=FRA_US
[Factory] -> 5=POR_US
[Factory] -> 6=BUL
[Factory] -> 7=CRO
[Factory] -> 8=CZE
[Factory] -> 9=DAN
[Factory] -> 10=DUT
[Factory] -> 11=FIN
[Factory] -> 12=FRA
[Factory] -> 13=DEU
[Factory] -> 14=GRE
[Factory] -> 15=HUN
[Factory] -> 16=ITA
[Factory] -> 17=NOR
[Factory] -> 18=ENG
[Factory] -> 19=POL
[Factory] -> 20=POR
[Factory] -> 21=ROM
[Factory] -> 22=RUS
[Factory] -> 23=SER
[Factory] -> 24=SLK
[Factory] -> 25=SPA
[Factory] -> 26=SWE
[Factory] -> 27=TUR
[Factory] -> 28=CHI
[Factory] -> 29=HKG
[Factory] -> 30=TPE
[Factory] -> 31=JPN
[Factory] -> 32=MAO
[Factory] -> 33=CMN
[Factory] -> 34=YUE
[Factory] -> 35=HIN
[Factory] -> 36=EST
[Factory] -> 37=LAT
[Factory] -> 38=LTU
[Factory] -> 39=ARA
[Factory] -> 40=PER
[Factory] -> 41=QAA
[Factory] -> 42=AD
[Factory] -> 43=CAT
[Factory] -> 44=VAL
[Factory] -> 45=THA
[Factory] -> 46=HEB
[Factory] -> 47=IND
[Factory] -> 48=VIE
[Factory] -> 49=URD
[Factory] -> 50=AFR
[Factory] -> 51=ZUL
[Factory] -> 52=XHO
[Factory] -> 53=YOR
[Factory] -> 54=IGB
[Factory] -> 55=HAU
[Factory] -> 56=SWA
[Factory] -> 57=AMH
[Factory] -> 58=TAM
[Factory] -> 59=IRA
[Factory] -> 60=FIL
[Factory] -> 61=LIT
[Factory] -> 62=LAV
[Factory] -> 63=SLV
[Factory] -> 64=ALB
[Factory] -> 65=UKR
[Factory] -> 66=KAZ
[Factory] -> 67=MKD
[Factory] -> 68=MAY
[Factory] -> 69=WEL
[Factory] -> 70=GLA
[Factory] 42 TTX 1=ON (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 44 TTX Group 8=UserOSD (def:8)
[Factory] -> 0=WestEurope
[Factory] -> 1=EastEurope
[Factory] -> 2=Russian
[Factory] -> 3=Greek
[Factory] -> 4=Turkey
[Factory] -> 5=Arabic
[Factory] -> 6=Farsian
[Factory] -> 7=Arab/Hbrw
[Factory] -> 8=UserOSD
[Factory] 45 Visual Test 0=Disable (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Disable
[Factory] -> 1=Enable
[Factory] 46 TUNER 15=TCS2_DUAL_S@Ő@?’‰ (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Not DetectedŐ@?’‰
[Factory] -> 1=Si2173ATSCedŐ@?’‰
[Factory] -> 2=SEC_ISDB_TSdŐ@?’‰
[Factory] -> 3=ECHO_CVB_TSdŐ@?’‰
[Factory] -> 4=SEMCO_TCS2SdŐ@?’‰
[Factory] -> 5=TDA18273_ECHOCTI?’‰
[Factory] -> 6=ECHOC_T2CECHOCTI?’‰
[Factory] -> 7=ECHOC_T2CS2HOCTI?’‰
[Factory] -> 8=ECHOC_TCCS2HOCTI?’‰
[Factory] -> 9=ALPS_TCS2S2HOCTI?’‰
[Factory] -> 10=Echo_CD_CN2HOCTI?’‰
[Factory] -> 11=ECHOC_T2CS2_DUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 12=T2CS2_DUAL2_DUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 13=TCS2_DUALL2_DUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 14=T2CS2_DUAL_SDUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 15=TCS2_DUAL_SSDUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 16=SI2190UAL_SSDUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 17=SI21XX_T2CSSDUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 18=SI2190_DUALSDUAL?’‰
[Factory] -> 19=SI21XX_T2C_DUALL?’‰
[Factory] -> 20=SI2190_DTMBDUALL?’‰
[Factory] -> 21=ECHOCV_DUALDUALL?’‰
[Factory] -> 22=SI21XX_CXD2842LL?’‰
[Factory] 48 N/D ADJ 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] -> 2=FIX
[Factory] 50 EER Reset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] 66 1st_Y_GH 0 (def:252)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 511
[Factory] 67 1st_Y_GL 0 (def:245)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 511
[Factory] 68 1st_Cb_BH 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 511
[Factory] 69 1st_Cb_BL 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 511
[Factory] 70 1st_Cr_RH 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 511
[Factory] 71 1st_Cr_RL 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 511
[Factory] 72 2nd_R_L 130 (def:130)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 73 2nd_G_L 130 (def:130)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 74 2nd_B_L 130 (def:130)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 75 2nd_R_H 69 (def:107)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 76 2nd_G_H 69 (def:107)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 77 2nd_B_H 69 (def:107)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 78 Sub Brightness 126 (def:126)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 79 R-Offset 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 80 G-Offset 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 81 B-Offset 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 82 Sub Contrast 134 (def:134)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 83 R-Gain 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 84 G-Gain 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 85 B-Gain 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 90 W/B MOVIE ON/OFF 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 91 MODE 0=Dynamic (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Dynamic
[Factory] -> 1=Movie
[Factory] -> 2=Standard
[Factory] -> 3=Natural
[Factory] 92 Color Tone 3=COOL (def:3)
[Factory] -> 3=COOL
[Factory] -> 4=NORMAL
[Factory] -> 5=WARM1
[Factory] -> 6=WARM2
[Factory] 93 MSub Brightness 126 (def:126)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 94 MSub Contrast 118 (def:118)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 95 W2_Rgain 31 (def:31)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 96 W2_Bgain -64 (def:-64)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 97 W2_Roffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 98 W2_Boffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 99 Movie Gamma 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=0.852
[Factory] -> 2=0.882
[Factory] -> 3=0.902
[Factory] -> 4=0.932
[Factory] -> 5=0.952
[Factory] -> 6=0.982
[Factory] -> 7=M1
[Factory] -> 8=M2
[Factory] -> 9=M3
[Factory] -> 10=M4
[Factory] 100 Movie Contrast 95 (def:95)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 101 Movie Bright 45 (def:45)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 102 Movie Color 50 (def:50)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 103 Movie Sharpness 20 (def:20)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 104 Movie Tint 50=0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -50 <-> 50
[Factory] 105 Movie Backlight 14 (def:14)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 20
[Factory] 106 Standard Contrast 100 (def:100)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 107 Standard Brightness 45 (def:45)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 108 Standard Color 50 (def:50)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 109 Standard Sharpness 50 (def:50)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 110 Standard Tint 50=0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -50 <-> 50
[Factory] 111 Standard Backlight 12 (def:12)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 20
[Factory] 112 Hospitality Mode 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] -> 2=Standalone
[Factory] 113 Power On Channel 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 9999999
[Factory] 114 Power On Volume 10 (def:10)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 115 Power On Source 0=TV (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=TV
[Factory] -> 1=HDMI1
[Factory] -> 2=HDMI2/DVI
[Factory] -> 3=HDMI3
[Factory] -> 4=HDMI4
[Factory] -> 5=Ext.
[Factory] -> 6=AV4
[Factory] -> 7=COMP
[Factory] -> 8=TV
[Factory] -> 9=TV
[Factory] -> 10=TV
[Factory] 116 Panel Button Lock 0=Unlock (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Unlock
[Factory] -> 1=Lock
[Factory] -> 2=OnlyPower
[Factory] -> 3=Menu/Source
[Factory] 117 Min Volume 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 118 Max Volume 100 (def:100)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 119 Picture Menu Lock 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 120 Sub Amp Volume 6 (def:6)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 32
[Factory] 121 Sub Amp Mode 2 (def:2)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 2
[Factory] 122 Local Time 1=Manual (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=Auto
[Factory] -> 1=Manual
[Factory] -> 2=TTX
[Factory] 125 EDID WRITE PC 1=Success (def:0)
[Factory] 130 HDMI EDID Ver 0=HDMI 1.2 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=HDMI 1.2
[Factory] -> 1=HDMI 1.3
[Factory] 132 DVI/HDMI SOUND 0=Auto (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Auto
[Factory] -> 1=DVI
[Factory] 136 Num of ATV 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 3
[Factory] 137 Num of DTV 2 (def:2)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 2
[Factory] 138 Num of AV 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 3
[Factory] 139 Num of SVIDEO 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 3
[Factory] 140 Num of COMP 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 3
[Factory] 141 Num of HDMI 4 (def:4)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 4
[Factory] 142 Num of PC 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 143 Num of SCART 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 2
[Factory] 144 Num of DVI 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 145 Num of OPTICAL Link 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 146 Num of MEDIA 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 147 Num of PANEL KEY 7 (def:7)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 8
[Factory] 148 Num of USB Port 3 (def:3)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 3
[Factory] 149 LNA Support 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 151 Select LCD/PDP 0=LCD (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=LCD
[Factory] -> 1=PDP
[Factory] 153 Light Effect 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 154 PIXEL SHIFT TEST 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 155 Lvds Format 1=JEIDA (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=PDP
[Factory] -> 1=JEIDA
[Factory] -> 2=VESA
[Factory] 156 Source 0=Current (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Current
[Factory] -> 1=All
[Factory] 157 HDMI/DVI SEL 2 (def:2)
[Factory] -> 1 <-> 4
[Factory] 158 LVDS SSC ON/Off 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 164 Contrast Dimming 1=ON (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 165 Region 4=PANEURO (def:0)
[Factory] -> 1=KOR
[Factory] -> 2=USA
[Factory] -> 3=BRA
[Factory] -> 4=PANEURO
[Factory] -> 5=CHI
[Factory] -> 6=HKG
[Factory] -> 7=PANNORDIG
[Factory] -> 8=ASIA_ATV
[Factory] -> 9=ASIA_DTV
[Factory] -> 10=TAIWAN
[Factory] -> 11=AFR
[Factory] -> 12=PHI
[Factory] -> 13=COLOMBIA
[Factory] 166 Info Link Server Type 0=operating (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=operating
[Factory] -> 1=development
[Factory] -> 2=developing
[Factory] 167 N_Rgain 20 (def:20)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 168 N_Bgain -21 (def:-21)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 169 N_Roffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 170 N_Boffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 179 MediaPlay DLNA 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 180 Language_Arabic 20=EU (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=UNKNOWN
[Factory] -> 1=EAST ASIA
[Factory] -> 2=IRAN
[Factory] -> 3=ISRAEL
[Factory] -> 4=MIDDLE ASIA
[Factory] -> 5=S_AMERICA
[Factory] -> 6=TAIWAN
[Factory] -> 7=AFRICA
[Factory] -> 8=N_AFRICA
[Factory] -> 9=WEST ASIA
[Factory] -> 10=MALAYSIA
[Factory] -> 11=KR
[Factory] -> 12=US
[Factory] -> 13=CIS
[Factory] -> 14=TURKEY
[Factory] -> 15=CHINA
[Factory] -> 16=HONGKONG
[Factory] -> 17=JAPAN
[Factory] -> 18=CANADA
[Factory] -> 19=PHILIPINE
[Factory] -> 20=EU
[Factory] -> 21=AUSTRAILIA
[Factory] 183 Subwoofer Support 2 (def:2)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 7
[Factory] 185 HDMI EDID Port 0=NONE (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=NONE
[Factory] -> 1=HDMI1
[Factory] -> 2=Not Support
[Factory] -> 3=HDMI3
[Factory] -> 4=HDMI4
[Factory] 187 China HD 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 188 NT Conversion 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 190 High Devi 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 192 Unbalance 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 194 Local Set 22=EU_POLAND (def:0)
[Factory] 199 Exhibition Mode 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 204 TOOLS Support 1659 (def:1659)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 268435455
[Factory] 205 OTN Support 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 206 Carrier_Mute 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 208 Num Of Display 2 (def:2)
[Factory] -> 1 <-> 2
[Factory] 210 MediaPlay DB 2=On with 10MB (def:2)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=On with 5MB
[Factory] -> 2=On with 10MB
[Factory] 211 24Px4 Support 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 212 HDMI Callback 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 214 OTN Test Server 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=A Zone
[Factory] -> 2=B Zone
[Factory] -> 3=C Zone
[Factory] -> 4=D Zone
[Factory] -> 5=E Zone
[Factory] 215
BD Wise Support 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 216 Ch Table 0=NONE (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=NONE
[Factory] -> 1=PBA
[Factory] -> 2=SUWON
[Factory] -> 3=SESK
[Factory] -> 4=SEH
[Factory] -> 5=SERK
[Factory] -> 6=SEIN
[Factory] -> 7=SAVINA
[Factory] 217 RF Remocon Support 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 219 OTN Server Type 0=operating (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=operating
[Factory] -> 1=development
[Factory] 222 HDMI Black Level 0=Normal (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Normal
[Factory] -> 1=Low
[Factory] 228 Data Service Support 0=OFF (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 244 Info Link Country 0=None (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=None
[Factory] -> 1=Korea
[Factory] -> 2=USA
[Factory] -> 3=Canada
[Factory] -> 4=Mexico
[Factory] -> 5=Argentina
[Factory] -> 6=Chile
[Factory] 248 SI Vendor 0=Samsung (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 25
[Factory] 249 Music Mode AV 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 250 Music Mode PC 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 251 Music Mode Comp 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 252 Music Mode Backlight 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 258 Time Format 1=24 Hour (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=12 Hour
[Factory] -> 1=24 Hour
[Factory] 263 Menu Display 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 264 Hospitality Logo 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=BMP
[Factory] -> 2=AVI
[Factory] -> 3=BOTH
[Factory] 265 Hospitality Logo DL 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 266 Logo Display Time 1=5 Second (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=3 Second
[Factory] -> 1=5 Second
[Factory] -> 2=7 Second
[Factory] 267 Power On Option 0=Last Option (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Last Option
[Factory] -> 1=Power ON
[Factory] -> 2=Standby
[Factory] 268 Auto Source 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] -> 2=PC
[Factory] 269 Energy Saving 0=Off (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Off
[Factory] -> 1=Low
[Factory] -> 2=Medium
[Factory] -> 3=High
[Factory] 272 Pan Euro MHEG 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 273 Setting Auto Initialize 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 274 Welcome Message 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 275 Edit Welcome Message 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 276 Energy Saving Timer 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 99
[Factory] 277 TV Version 0=1.0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=1.0
[Factory] -> 1=2.0
[Factory] 278 Caption 0 (def:0)
[Factory] 279 Channel Editor 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 99
[Factory] 281 Num Of Tuner 2 (def:2)
[Factory] -> 1 <-> 2
[Factory] 282 Num of DECODER 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 1 <-> 2
[Factory] 288 Type Of PANEL KEY 0=Horizontal (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Horizontal
[Factory] -> 1=Vertical
[Factory] -> 2=PDPVertical
[Factory] -> 3=PDPHorizon
[Factory] -> 4=None
[Factory] 290 Num of IPTV 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 293 Cable Modulation 2=Error (def:2)
[Factory] -> 0=QAM
[Factory] -> 1=8VSB
[Factory] 295 Channel Type 0=ATV (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=ATV
[Factory] -> 1=DTV
[Factory] -> 2=CATV
[Factory] -> 3=CDTV
[Factory] -> 4=SDTV
[Factory] -> 5=FREESAT
[Factory] -> 6=TIVUSAT
[Factory] -> 7=CANALSAT
[Factory] 301 PVR Support 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 302 Dynamic SI 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 304 3D_Standard_Contrast 100 (def:100)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 305 3D_Standard_Brightness 45 (def:45)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 307 Mixed Channel Map 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 308 Front Color 17=U-CF-B80 (def:17)
[Factory] -> 0=NONE
[Factory] -> 1=P-W-D-40
[Factory] -> 2=P-W-D-49
[Factory] -> 3=P-W-D-55
[Factory] -> 4=P-W-D-85
[Factory] -> 5=U-S-C-5K
[Factory] -> 6=U-T-CL-M61
[Factory] -> 7=U-T-WG-M63
[Factory] -> 8=U-T-CG-M64
[Factory] -> 9=U-T-CL-M64
[Factory] -> 10=U-T-WG-M64
[Factory] -> 11=U-T-CL-M65
[Factory] -> 12=U-T-CL-M67
[Factory] -> 13=U-T-CL-M68
[Factory] -> 14=U-T-CL-M71
[Factory] -> 15=U-T-CL-V75
[Factory] -> 16=U-T-CL-B75
[Factory] -> 17=U-CF-B80
[Factory] -> 18=N/A
[Factory] -> 19=U-CF-B80-75
[Factory] -> 20=U-CF-B85
[Factory] -> 21=UHD-85
[Factory] -> 22=U-T-CL-M61-65
[Factory] -> 23=U-TC-V71
[Factory] -> 24=U-TC-V7160
[Factory] -> 25=U-T-CL-V7560
[Factory] -> 26=U-CF-B80-60
[Factory] -> 27=U-CF-B80-65
[Factory] -> 28=U-CF-B82-75
[Factory] 310 HDMI 3D DET 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 1 <-> 10
[Factory] 312 Mono Last Memory 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 322 Power On Volume EN 0=User Defined (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=User Defined
[Factory] -> 1=Last Saved
[Factory] 323 Power On Channel EN 0=User Defined (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=User Defined
[Factory] -> 1=Last Saved
[Factory] 325 Num of PVR RECORD 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 2
[Factory] 330 3D_WBMOVIE ON/OFF 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 331 3D_MODE 0=Dynamic (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Dynamic
[Factory] -> 1=Movie
[Factory] -> 2=Standard
[Factory] -> 3=Natural
[Factory] 332 3D_Color Tone 3=COOL (def:3)
[Factory] -> 3=COOL
[Factory] -> 4=NORMAL
[Factory] -> 5=WARM1
[Factory] -> 6=WARM2
[Factory] 333 3D_Sub_Contrast 138 (def:138)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 334 3D_Sub_Brightness 126 (def:126)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 335 3D_MSub Brightness 126 (def:126)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 336 3D_MSub Contrast 138 (def:138)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 337 3D_C_Rgain 21 (def:21)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 338 3D_C_Bgain -3 (def:-3)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 339 3D_C_Roffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 340 3D_C_Boffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 341 3D_N_Rgain 35 (def:35)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 342 3D_N_Bgain -30 (def:-30)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 343 3D_N_Roffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 344 3D_N_Boffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 345 3D_W2_Rgain 56 (def:56)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 346 3D_W2_Bgain -73 (def:-73)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 347 3D_W2_Roffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 348 3D_W2_Boffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 349 3D_Movie Contrast 100 (def:100)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 350 3D_Movie Bright 45 (def:45)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 351 3D_Movie Color 50 (def:50)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 352 3D_Movie Sharpness 20 (def:20)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 353 3D_Movie Tint 50=0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -50 <-> 50
[Factory] 354 3D_Movie Backlight 20 (def:20)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 20
[Factory] 355 3D_Movie Gamma 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=0.852
[Factory] -> 2=0.882
[Factory] -> 3=0.902
[Factory] -> 4=0.932
[Factory] -> 5=0.952
[Factory] -> 6=0.982
[Factory] -> 7=M1
[Factory] -> 8=M2
[Factory] -> 9=M3
[Factory] -> 10=M4
[Factory] 356 3D_M_Sub_Gamma 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -3 <-> 3
[Factory] 357 3D_HDMI Black Level 0=Normal (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Normal
[Factory] -> 1=Low
[Factory] 359 3D_Standard_Sharpness 50 (def:50)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 360 3D_Standard_Color 50 (def:50)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 361 3D_Standard_Tint 50=0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -50 <-> 50
[Factory] 362 3D_Standard_Backlght 20 (def:20)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 20
[Factory] 366 Num of RVU 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 373 Widget Mode 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 388 SIRCH Channel 87 (def:87)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 999
[Factory] 392 Speaker EQ 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 396 Channel Rescan Message 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 398 OTA Support 1=General (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=General
[Factory] 399 SIRCH Update Time 1=1hour (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=1hour
[Factory] -> 2=2hour
[Factory] -> 3=12:00 am
[Factory] -> 4=2:00 am
[Factory] -> 5=12:00 pm
[Factory] -> 6=2:00 pm
[Factory] 403 HDMI Music Mode 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 406 WIFI REGION 4=E (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=A
[Factory] -> 1=B
[Factory] -> 2=C
[Factory] -> 3=D
[Factory] -> 4=E
[Factory] -> 5=F
[Factory] -> 6=G
[Factory] -> 7=H
[Factory] -> 8=I
[Factory] -> 9=J
[Factory] -> 10=K
[Factory] -> 11=L
[Factory] -> 12=M
[Factory] -> 13=N
[Factory] -> 14=O
[Factory] -> 15=P
[Factory] -> 16=Q
[Factory] -> 17=R
[Factory] -> 18=S
[Factory] -> 19=T
[Factory] -> 20=U
[Factory] -> 21=V
[Factory] -> 22=W
[Factory] -> 23=X
[Factory] -> 24=Y
[Factory] -> 25=Z
[Factory] -> 26=AA
[Factory] -> 27=AB
[Factory] 412 SVC Reset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 416 e-Pop Default 1=ON (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 419 Sound Bar Out 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 421 BT_AUDIO_ON_OFF 1=ON (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 423 Auto Power 0=LAST POWER (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=LAST POWER
[Factory] -> 1=ALWAYS ON
[Factory] -> 2=ALWAYS OFF
[Factory] 430 Num of IPTV CIP 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 432 AR Count 95 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 434 BOM Model 8000 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 9999
[Factory] 435 Num of CI 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 2
[Factory] 445 M_N_Rgain 14 (def:14)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 446 M_N_Bgain -19 (def:-19)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 447 M_N_Roffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 448 M_N_Boffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 449 M_W2_Rgain 32 (def:32)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 450 M_W2_Bgain -58 (def:-58)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 451 M_W2_Roffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 452 M_W2_Boffset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> -128 <-> 127
[Factory] 456 MultiAcc 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 482 CI +1.3 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 484 Num of RUI 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 485 SWU Fail Test 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 100
[Factory] 486 SWU Duration 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 487 SWU Reset 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 488 SWU_Diag_Code 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 497 CAL Data Backup 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 7
[Factory] 498 CAL Data Restore 0 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 7
[Factory] 501 Num of Network Stream 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 506 Fast Boot in Production 0=OFF (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 510 CDD mode 0=Broadcast (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Broadcast
[Factory] -> 1=Test
[Factory] 517 Server Type 0=Operating (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=Operating
[Factory] -> 1=Development
[Factory] 518 RTS mode 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 525 Num of ISP 1 (def:1)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 1
[Factory] 530 USB Serial 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 531 WB_N_R_Offset 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 532 WB_N_B_Offset 128 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 533 WB_N_R_Gain 128=148 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 534 WB_N_B_Gain 128=107 (def:128)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] 535 R1_Gain 530 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 536 R2_Gain 526 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 537 R3_Gain 522 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 538 R4_Gain 520 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 539 R5_Gain 518 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 540 R6_Gain 516 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 541 R7_Gain 516 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 542 R8_Gain 514 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 543 R9_Gain 512 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 544 R10_Gain 512 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 545 G1_Gain 526 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 546 G2_Gain 522 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 547 G3_Gain 518 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 548 G4_Gain 516 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 549 G5_Gain 516 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 550 G6_Gain 514 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 551 G7_Gain 514 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 552 G8_Gain 512 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 553 G9_Gain 512 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 554 G10_Gain 512 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 555 B1_Gain 522 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 556 B2_Gain 518 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 557 B3_Gain 516 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 558 B4_Gain 514 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 559 B5_Gain 512 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 560 B6_Gain 510 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 561 B7_Gain 508 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 562 B8_Gain 510 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 563 B9_Gain 510 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 564 B10_Gain 512 (def:512)
[Factory] -> 256 <-> 766
[Factory] 565 USING_PSI_UPDATE 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 566 Voice Debug 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 597 EOS Click 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 599 EEPG Enable 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 600 CES Mode 0=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 650 Source Direct On/Off -1=OFF (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0=OFF
[Factory] -> 1=ON
[Factory] 696 EU_CIS -1 (def:0)
[Factory] -> 0 <-> 255
[Factory] <<< lib_deinit