nuevo firmware para la b6 "5.30.15"
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Buenas acaban de sacar nuevo firmware para la b6, de momento para
la versión koreana, no creo que tarden en llegar a la europea
2. Final Ver
- 05.30.15
3. Changes
Ⓐ Fixed bug related to season (magnifying glass)
Ⓑ April MR execution Ver.
Ⓒ Fixed video related bugs (Dolby HDR popup problem / No video on YouTube)
Ⓓ Fixed problem that white pattern can not enter
Ⓔ HDR playback and SW update (volume position correction / voice interruption improvement)
대응 Improved Lip Sync problem when watching RF
개선 Improved response to Bluetooth initialization message
개선 Improved voice interruption with sound bar connection
대응 Correcting the occurrence of no blood signal when changing TV CH
Ⓙ SONY PS4-pro HDCP2.2 Fail (No Signal)
Ⓚ 70UH8730 / 8750 Corresponds to the correction of abnormal face color
색상 Color shift when playing SDR image in T7 HDR store in Korea
음성 Fixed the problem that the speaker caused voice noise (OLED B6K model is recognized)
Ⓝ HDR Input Rack (Supports HDR game mode)
Apply pop-up guide function when closing service of app (05.30.03)
Ⓟ No signal Change screen background picture (05.30.03)
Ⓠ Change to Amazon HDR mode (05.30.03)
Ⓡ Bluetooth headset volume complaint response (05.30.15)