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DTS se adentra en la musica clasica en 5.1

  1. #1
    16 abr, 04
    8 veces

    Predeterminado DTS se adentra en la musica clasica en 5.1

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    DTS Entertainment Releases the DTS Classical Collection; Six Masters Rediscovered in Surround Sound

    AGOURA HILLS, Calif.-July 7, 2005- DTS, Inc.'s entertainment label, DTS Entertainment (DTSE), announces the release of seven surround music titles featuring the well-known works of six historic classical masters recorded by two of the world's greatest orchestras. Together called the DTS Classical Collection, the titles include masterpieces by Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Mozart, Schubert and Tchaikovsky, performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and London Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Don Jackson. Previously produced by DTSE in either 5.1 Music Disc or DVD-Audio formats, these releases will be distributed as a two-disc set including a stereo CD and 5.1-channel surround DVD.

    The titles are slated for the following release dates:

    -- August 2nd - Tchaikovsky Classics, Bach Classics

    -- August 23rd - Mozart Classics, Handel's Water Garden

    -- September 13th - Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker, Beethoven Classics, Schubert Classics

    "The DTS Classical Collection allows classical music fans to rediscover the masters, and hear them in a whole new way," said Molly Kronberg, Vice President, Worldwide Strategic Business Development, Content at DTS. "We believe these titles will become treasured favorites in anyone's surround music library."

    Don Jackson has conducted 45 major orchestral album productions featuring the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic and London Philharmonic orchestras. His million-selling "platinum" album credits include five volumes in the Victoria's Secret Classics By Request series, not one but two Tchaikovsky The Nutcrackers and Placido Domingo's first platinum album with the Vienna Boys Choir. Of the 14 true "classical" albums to sell one million copies, Jackson has conducted seven. His arrangements and scores include holiday works performed by Tony Bennett and John Williams with the Boston Pops. Additional recordings in which Jackson has participated as a performer include works by Garth Brooks, Randy Travis, The Mavericks, Bob Hope, Four Tops, Mary Wilson, Jimmy Ruffin, Mary Wells and The Temptations.

  2. #2
    colaborador Avatar de matias_buenas
    03 may, 04
    6283 veces

    Predeterminado Re: DTS se adentra en la musica clasica en 5.1

    Difícil tiene DTS en competir en audio multicanal contra Sa-CD y DVD-A y más al precio que tienen algunos lectores hoy en día que leen esos formatos ... A menos que se use el dts 24/96 y se ofrezcan esos discos a precios muy razonables .

    Sólo he oído un dts 24/96 comparado con el mismo dts pero sin descodificar la parte 24/96, o sea, dts normal . Y contrariamente a lo que pensaba inicialmente, se nota, vaya si se nota . Pero no he tenido ocasión de comparar el dts 24/96 con su homólogo DVD audio (hablo de "A night at the opera" de Queen).

    El dts musical tiene los días contados frente al audio sin comprimir a menos que el precio de los discos se haga irresistible, creo yo .

    De todas formas, que empiecen a haber diferentes y cada vez más ofertas de música multicanal (aunque sea en diferentes formatos), podría hacer descender el precio de esos discos y eso nos vendría muy bien a todos.
    "La libertad, Sancho, es uno de los más preciosos dones que a los hombres dieron los cielos; con ella no pueden igualarse los tesoros que encierra la tierra ni el mar encubre; por la libertad así como por la honra se puede y debe aventurar la vida."-Miguel de Cervantes

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