La mía rondará las 10.000 horas y claramente lo sufre desde hace ya tiempo. De todas formas no me preocupa porque como ya se ha dicho, sólo se aprecia cuando la pantalla está en negro y con la luz totalmente apagada.
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En Av.fórums hay mucha información sobre el tema,para alguien que sepa inglés y lo traduzca bien.
Y aquí la continuacio,
La mía rondará las 10.000 horas y claramente lo sufre desde hace ya tiempo. De todas formas no me preocupa porque como ya se ha dicho, sólo se aprecia cuando la pantalla está en negro y con la luz totalmente apagada.
Ostia que fuerte encontrarme con mi tema todavía activo!!! ya ni me acordaba!!!
Respecto a lo de los tonos rojos, la mia se ve perfecta todavía... eso si, no se cuantas horas lleva encendida... pero no pocas.
Sigo buscando una tele que se vea mejor, aunque hay que reconocer que se van acercando... tiene mucho merito para esta reliquia.
Una cosa, si creéis que hay algún tema importante respecto a nuestras teles, actualización, truco o lo que sea que valga la pena poner en mi primer post me lo deciis y lo pongo. Así será mas facil para todos localizar el máximo de info sobre ella.
Un saludo a todos!!
Última edición por acumulador; 27/03/2014 a las 01:08
grandioso plasma, yo compre este modelo de segunda mano, y aunque es cierto que se ve algo rojo el negro en la oscuridad se sigue viendo mucho mejor que los TV actuales
Alguien ha probado hacer esto.Just any other pointers that owners who have attempted the reset might have noted. The engineer doing the work is comfortable with the instructions as per the post below and hopefully it'll work without any hiccups. I was just hoping that anybody who had experienced anything outside of the post below could add to it so I can give the engineer as much info as possible.
Good news, I have just managed to cure my 5090 of the red tint issue. It basically involves clearing the hour meter and pulse meter in the factory menu (so called zeroing the panel). For some reason over time the blacks go grey with a red tint creeping in from the bottom right.
I think this may be because the screen performs adjustments over time to compensate normal usage but it goes out of sync because most of us use calibrated settings which do not push the screen as hard as say standard default settings. That what I think... anyway you basically fool the TV into thinking that the screen has been replaced.
Another guy in a similar forum to this reset his counters and he cured the red tint, however his screen had sparkles after. He has a 600M model. He called out pioneer who did the same reset procedure but then adjusted the VOL SUS and the VOL RST P which are panel voltage settings, and this cured the problem. He said you need to raise VOL RST P until the sparkles disappear. To low and it sparkles, to high and you raise the MLL or black level. I did not have this problem however and my voltages remained unchanged after zeroing.
My blacks are back and you cannot see the screen if it's on a blank input (it was grey before with red tinge). Also the movie bars disappear into the bezel as they did when it was new. I am really pleased. I have been trying different things for ages but this is what worked for me. You do this at your own risk!
Okay here is exactly what I did to fix the red tint issue on my PDP-LX5090. Please note that the service menu can be dangerous and you do this at your own risk.
Step 1 concerns connecting your TV to Hyperterminal. If you are already okay with issuing RS232 commands, proceed to step 2.
Step 1
You will need:
A computer with serial port (you can buy USB to serial adaptors if you don't have one).
A serial cable (9 pin to 9 pin, female to female, straight not null modem).
Hyperterminal (included with XP).
1. Connect the computer to the TV with the serial cable.
2. Start Hyperterminal (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications >HyperTerminal).
3. It will ask you to create a new connection. Name it whatever you want (TV for example) and choose an icon (can be any) and click OK.
4. On the next screen (Connect To), ignore the phone number field and change the ‘Connect using' drop down box to your serial port (usually COM1) and click OK.
5. Next you will see ‘COM1 Properties'. The default bits per second or Baud rate is 9600 for Pioneer displays.
6. Set BPS: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1, Flow Control: None and click OK.
7. Next go to File > Properties and open the Settings tab. Click on ‘ASCII Setup..' button. Make sure ‘Send line ends with line feeds' is NOT checked and make sure ‘Echo typed characters locally' IS checked. Click OK and Click OK on the properties screen.
8. You should now be set to communicate with the TV. To test all is okay, put the TV in standby (red light on front).
9. Now type PON in the Hyperterminal and press Enter. The TV should turn on (blue light). Now type POF and press return and it should go back to stand by. Please note typing in Hyperterminal is odd and everything will appear on one line. This is normal. Don't try to move the cursor with the mouse or anything like I did. Just type commands (even if they overwrite what you have just typed) and press Enter. That's it.
10. Hopefully the TV responded to PON and POF. If so then you are ready to do the fix.
Step 2.
1. Make sure your TV is in stand by (red light on front).
2. Type PON and press Enter (TV should turn on).
3. Type FAY and press Enter (Enter Factory Mode).
4. Type CPM and press Enter (Clear pulse meter).
5. Type CHM and press Enter (Clear Hour meter).
6. Type POF and press Enter (turn TV off).
7. Unplug TV for 15 seconds or so.
Note changes are not visible until the TV has been turned off and on again.
That was all I did. The red tints have gone and black luminance is back to normal. If you see sparkles on the screen you may need to adjust VOL SUS and the VOL RST P in the service menu. A guy in the other forum said you raise VOL RST P until the sparkles disappear. The usual setting for VOL SUS is 128.
Good luck to anyone trying this technique and please be careful. Messing around in the service menu will probably invalidate your warranty and could break your TV.
Good luck and hope this helps.
Many thanks
A mi me da miedo probarlo, Yo no lo haria a menos que el rojo fuera ya una molestia. De todas formas si alguien con buen nivel de ingles lo traduce nos haria un favor,
Hola, encontraste el mando?
Lo digo porque yo compre uno por internet, y el vendedor tiene mas.
Un saludo.
Tengo un Pioneer LX5090H con pocas horas de uso, con altavoces laterales.
Me gustaría vendermelo y cambiarlo por un tv que me lo dejan bien de precio.
Un LOEWE-Individual-55-Compose-LED-400-DR
Mas que nada para aumentar algo el tamaño.
Que os parece el cambio.
Un saludo y gracias por vuestro tiempo.
Si correcto, lo compre por 120 € envio incluido desde London.