Creo que es que subes tu partida guardada y ves en el mapa las cosas que has descubierto.
Si le das al enlace te dice los pasos ha seguir:
The My Paradise PlayStation 3 Discovery Map allows you to upload your Burnout Paradise PlayStation 3 save game file and display your discovery items on a map of Paradise City.
Here's how it works:
1. In Burnout Paradise (PlayStation 3) go to the UNDER THE HOOD menu and SAVE your game
2. Insert a USB storage device into your PlayStation 3
3. On your PlayStation 3, from the Xross Media Bar:
* Select Game -> Saved Data Utility
* Select your Burnout Paradise save game
* Press TRIANGLE and copy your save game to the USB storage device
4. Take your USB storage device and plug it into your PC/Mac
5. Use the table below to see which directory you should browse to on your USB device
Where you bought the game
Location on USB stick
North America PS3\SAVEDATA\BLUS30061
Rest of Europe PS3\SAVEDATA\BLES00074
Rest of Asia PS3\SAVEDATA\BLAS50039
6. Within the directory, find the save file named EXPORT and click on it
7. Click on Upload Save Game to analyse your save