Buen acabado y mono en general. Excelente ebanistería.
Pero me gustaría ver sus curvas.
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I've been lazy on modding lately but in a need for a subwoofer. It's about time for me to refresh my building skills. I have a pair of Genelec 8030 [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]speakers[/COLOR][/COLOR]. They are good but bass reaches only 55hz. Music sounds great but movies lack a bit of depth. Hifitalo.fi sponsored me with a new 10" subwoofer [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]driver[/COLOR][/COLOR] made by Norwegian Seas, I also got Hypex subwoofer [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]amplifier[/COLOR][/COLOR] from them.
So here's what Hifitalo sent me. I'm eager to start building right away.
Buen acabado y mono en general. Excelente ebanistería.
Pero me gustaría ver sus curvas.
Coincido con jldf, como carpinteria y acabado genial, pero ¿como trabajara realmente? y dudo del BR.