Primera semireview de la P50VT20.
Gracias a la CNET Asturiana.... ups, perdón, Australiana
Las gafas son ajustables y pueden ser usadas por miopes 4 ojos como yo:
Esta foto es el prototipo VT20 (izq) y la G10 (derecha):
"The thing that most excited us about the 3D plasma was the 2D picture quality. The integration of Pioneer engineers into Panasonic's ranks is now apparent. The television features a Kuro-like design which does without the outer glass layer meaning no inner reflections. The TV features a new "cell structure" but Panasonic was unable to quote the contrast ratio improvement until the TV's formal announcement in April.
For today's demonstration, Panasonic lined up both its prototype TV (left) and last year's Editors' Choice-winning Viera TH-P46G10A (right).
With both displaying in 2D, it was clear to us that the new TV is a leap ahead of the highly acclaimed G10, with blacks that would do a black hole justice, and almost no loss of colour, brightness or contrast when viewed from almost side on. The dark inky blacks reminded us of the Extreme Contrast Concept we saw two years ago at CES 2008, and we're glad to see this technology didn't die with Pioneer plasmas. Unfortunately, this photo doesn't really bear these claims out, so you'll just have to trust us on this one for the moment."
En pocas palabras vienen a decir, aunque en la foto no se note nada, que la VT20 es un gran paso adelante en calidad de imagen, que los negros, contraste y colores son cojonudos y que les recuerda mucho a una tecnología que presentó Pioneer en el 2008 llamada "Extreme Contrast Concept"... se alegran de que no haya muerto con Pioneer.
Por el momento todo parecen buenas noticias, en cuanto a calidad de imagen se refiere. Por lo menos hace 2 meses, no se esperaba ni que llegaran a la calidad de las 9G... esperemos que cuando estén en casa la cosa no cambie.